Quantum correlation of electron and ion energy in the dissociative strong-field ionization of H2
Quantum correlations in dissipative gain--loss systems across exceptional points
Quantum Phase Transitions for an Integrable Quantum Rabi-like Model with Two Interacting Qubits
Research Campaign: Macroscopic Quantum Resonators (MAQRO)
Simple extension of the plane-wave final state in photoemission: Bringing understanding to the photon-energy dependence of two-dimensional materials
Superradiant Quantum Phase Transition for an Exactly Solvable Two-Qubit Spin-Boson Model
Time-based Chern number in periodically driven systems in the adiabatic limit
A Scheme for Multipartite Entanglement Distribution via Separable Carriers
Cold Atoms in Space: Community Workshop Summary and Proposed Road-Map
Entangled States Are Harder to Transfer than Product States