Vacancy-like Dressed States in Topological Waveguide QED
A Novel Method to Simulate the 3D Chlorophyll Distribution in Marine Oligotrophic Waters
All N=(8,0) AdS3 Solutions in 10 and 11 Dimensions
Analysis of Ecological Shifts in the Two-Age Structured Population Model with Allee Effect and Environmental Noise
Entropy Function from Toric Geometry
Monopoles and Dualities in 3dN=2 Quivers
Noise-Assisted Persistence and Recovery of Memory State in a Memristive Spiking Neuromorphic Network
Non-Supersymmetric AdS6 and the Swampland
Oh, Wait, O8 de Sitter May Be Unstable!
Sequential Deconfinement in 3dN=2 Gauge Theories