Quantum Metrology of Newton's Constant with Levitated Mechanical Systems
Quantum extreme learning machines for photonic entanglement witnessing
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of gravitational objective-collapse models
Multipartite entanglement in the diagonal symmetric subspace
Two transitions in complex eigenvalue statistics: Hermiticity and integrability breaking
State estimation with quantum extreme learning machines beyond the scrambling time
Manipulation by magnetic frustration in ferrotoroidal spin chains via curvature and torsion
Machine Learning-Enhanced Characterisation of Structured Spectral Densities: Leveraging the Reaction Coordinate Mapping
An operational definition of quantum information scrambling
Strategies for entanglement distribution in optical fiber networks
Noise classification in three-level quantum networks by Machine Learning
Entanglement growth in the dark intervals of a locally monitored free-fermion chain
Driving Enhanced Exciton Transfer by Automatic Differentiation
Non-Hermitian Discrete Time Crystals
Information flow-enhanced precision in collisional quantum thermometry
Distributing quantum correlations through local operations and classical resources
Critical assessment of information back-flow in measurement-free teleportation
Controlling Markovianity with Chiral Giant Atoms
Coherent expansion of the motional state of a massive nanoparticle beyond its linear dimensions
Quantum-enhanced sensing from non-Hermitian topology
Quantum Extreme Learning of molecular potential energy surfaces and force fields
Importance of using the averaged mutual information when quantifying quantum objectivity
Generating quantum non-local entanglement with mechanical rotations
Criticality-amplified quantum probing of a spontaneous collapse model
Breakdown of Measurement-Induced Phase Transitions Under Information Loss
Dipole-dipole interactions mediated by a photonic flat band
Distribution of Fidelity in Quantum State Transfer Protocols
Nonlinearity-enhanced quantum sensing in Stark probes
Noise-Induced, Ac-Stabilized Sine-Gordon Breathers: Emergence and Statistics
Heating and cooling processes via phaseonium-driven dynamics of cascade systems
Experimental Property Reconstruction in a Photonic Quantum Extreme Learning Machine
Entanglement distribution through separable states via a zero-added-loss photon multiplexing inspired protocol
Diagnosing non-Hermitian many-body localization and quantum chaos via singular value decomposition
Squeezing below the ground state of motion of a continuously monitored levitating nanoparticle
A Reinforcement Learning Approach to the Design of Quantum Chains for Optimal Energy Transfer
Spectral Density Classification for Environment Spectroscopy
Quantum Optics with Giant Atoms in a Structured Photonic Bath
Metrology and multipartite entanglement in measurement-induced phase transition
Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Topology from Photon-Mediated Interactions
Nonequilibrium Quantum Probing through Linear Response
Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics
Tracking electron motion within and outside of Floquet bands from attosecond pulse trains in time-resolved ARPES.
Multimode-cavity picture of non-Markovian waveguide QED
Temperature Gradient and Asymmetric Steady State Correlations in Dissipatively Coupled Cascaded Optomechanical Systems
Characterizing the Spontaneous Collapse of a Wavefunction through Entropy Production
Shadow Tomography on General Measurement Frames
Charging Batteries with Quantum Squeezing
Diagnostics of Quantum-Gate Coherences Deteriorated by Unitary Errors via End-Point-Measurement Statistics
Experimental Signature of Initial Quantum Coherence on Entropy Production
Engineering Nonlinear Boson-Boson Interactions Using Mediating Spin Systems
The meaning of redundancy and consensus in quantum objectivity
Noise-Enhanced Stability of Sine-Gordon Breathers
Quantum Scrambling via Accessible Tripartite Information
Quantifying Protocol Efficiency: A Thermodynamic Figure of Merit for Classical and Quantum State-Transfer Protocols
Potential and Limitations of Quantum Extreme Learning Machines
Quantum Neuromorphic Approach to Efficient Sensing of Gravity-Induced Entanglement
Optimal Quantum Control via Genetic Algorithms for Quantum State Engineering in Driven-Resonator Mediated Networks
Variational Gibbs State Preparation on NISQ Devices
Optomechanics-Based Quantum Estimation Theory for Collapse Models
Breather Dynamics in a Stochastic Sine-Gordon Equation: Evidence of Noise-Enhanced Stability
Entanglement Transfer via Chiral and Continuous-Time Quantum Walks on a Triangular Chain
Time-based Chern number in periodically driven systems in the adiabatic limit
Superradiant Quantum Phase Transition for an Exactly Solvable Two-Qubit Spin-Boson Model
Simple extension of the plane-wave final state in photoemission: Bringing understanding to the photon-energy dependence of two-dimensional materials
Research Campaign: Macroscopic Quantum Resonators (MAQRO)
Quantum Phase Transitions for an Integrable Quantum Rabi-like Model with Two Interacting Qubits
Quantum correlations in dissipative gain--loss systems across exceptional points
Quantum correlation of electron and ion energy in the dissociative strong-field ionization of H2
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Attosecond Science and Technology
On the Role of Initial Coherence in the Spin Phase-Space Entropy Production Rate
New perspectives in time-resolved laser-induced electron diffraction
Marine Ecosystem Models of Realistic Complexity Rarely Exhibits Significant Endogenous Non-Stationary Dynamics
Heat-Transfer Fingerprint of Josephson Breathers
From Basic Science to Technological Development: The Case for Two Avenues
Floquet engineering with quantum optimal control theory
Floquet engineering of magnetism in topological insulator thin films
Floquet band engineering in action
Eliminating Artificial Boundary Conditions in Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Using Fourier Contour Deformation
Effect of Training Pulse Parameters on the Synaptic Plasticity of a ZrO2(Y)-Based Memristive Device
Coupled Quantum Pendula as a Possible Model for Josephson-junction-based Axion Detection
Characterization of Quantum and Classical Critical Points for an Integrable Two-Qubit Spin--Boson Model
Can a Mathematical Model of Mass Extinctions Do without Environmental Noise?: Comment on ``Knowledge Gaps and Missing Links in Understanding Mass Extinctions: Can Mathematical Modeling Help?'' By Ivan Sudakow et Al.
Bare-Bones de Sitter Vacua
Band Nonlinearity-Enabled Manipulation of Dirac Nodes, Weyl Cones, and Valleytronics with Intense Linearly Polarized Light
Axion Field Influence on Josephson Junction Quasipotential
Attosecond magnetization dynamics in non-magnetic materials driven by intense femtosecond lasers
Are There Universal Signatures of Topological Phases in High-Harmonic Generation? Probably Not.
Analytically Solvable Hamiltonian in Invariant Subspaces
Ac-Locking of Thermally-Induced Sine-Gordon Breathers
A Toolkit for Ortho-Symplectic Dualities
$\overline{D3}$-Branes and Gaugino Condensation
Supratransmission-Induced Traveling Breathers in Long Josephson Junctions
Generation of Entanglement from Mechanical Rotation
Entangled States Are Harder to Transfer than Product States
Cold Atoms in Space: Community Workshop Summary and Proposed Road-Map
A Scheme for Multipartite Entanglement Distribution via Separable Carriers
Memristors and Nonequilibrium Stochastic Multistable Systems
Efficient Excitation-Transfer across Fully Connected Networks via Local-Energy Optimization
Controlling Floquet states on ultrashort time scales
Open Quantum Rotors: Connecting Correlations and Physical Currents
Multiparameter Quantum Critical Metrology
Composite Discordant States and Quantum Darwinism
Effect of Pulse Amplitude on Depression and Potentiation of ZrO2(Y)-Based Memristive Synaptic Device
Commutativity and the Emergence of Classical Objectivity
Exotic interactions mediated by a non-Hermitian photonic bath
A Tutorial on Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning Methods for Quantum Technologies
Linear-Response Approach to Critical Quantum Many-Body Systems
Harnessing Nonadiabatic Excitations Promoted by a Quantum Critical Point: Quantum Battery and Spin Squeezing
Work Extraction from Coherently Activated Maps via Quantum Switch
Quantum Physics in Space
Present Status and Future Challenges of Non-Interferometric Tests of Collapse Models
Nonequilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics of a Particle Trapped in a Controllable Time-Varying Potential
Informational Steady States and Conditional Entropy Production in Continuously Monitored Systems: The Case of Gaussian Systems
Ultrafast dynamics of adenine following XUV ionization
Time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of strong-field light-dressed solids: Prevalence of the adiabatic band picture
Stochastic versus periodic quantum collision models
Spin-Chain-Star Systems: Entangling Multiple Chains of Spin Qubits
Simulating Terahertz Field-Induced Ferroelectricity in Quantum Paraelectric SrTiO3
Resistive State Relaxation Time in ZrO2(Y)-Based Memristive Devices under the Influence of External Noise
Quantum Transfer of Interacting Qubits
Quantum Synchronisation and Clustering in Chiral Networks
Quantum correlations beyond entanglement in a classical-channel model of gravity
Quantum Collision Models: Open System Dynamics from Repeated Interactions
Probing phonon dynamics with multidimensional high harmonic carrier-envelope-phase spectroscopy
Optomechanics for Quantum Technologies
Non-Volatile Memory Characteristics of a Ti/HfO2/Pt Synaptic Device with a Crossbar Array Structure
Non-hermitian physics and master equations
Multiple mobile excitons manifested as sidebands in quasi-one-dimensional metallic TaSe3
Modeling Mechanical Equilibration Processes of Closed Quantum Systems: A Case Study
Magnetically Excited Breather Modes in an Overlap-Geometry Josephson Tunnel Junction
Josephson-Junction-Based Axion Detection through Resonant Activation
Infrared plasmons propagate through a hyperbolic nodal metal
Informational Steady States and Conditional Entropy Production in Continuously Monitored Systems
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-State Generation in Qubit-Chains via a Single Landau-Majorana-Stückelberg-Zener $π$/2-Pulse
Generation of Travelling Sine-Gordon Breathers in Noisy Long Josephson Junctions
Floquet engineering the band structure of materials with optimal control theory
First-principles modelling for time-resolved ARPES under different pump-probe conditions
Exotic Interactions Mediated by a Non-Hermitian Photonic Bath
Effects of Solar Irradiance Noise on a Complex Marine Trophic Web
Effect of Internal Noise on the Relaxation Time of an Yttria Stabilized Zirconia-Based Memristor
Development of a Predictive Model for the Shelf-Life of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus)
Controlling atom-photon bound states in an array of Josephson-junction resonators
Attosecond dynamics of core excitons
Witnessing objectivity on a quantum computer
Dressed Emitters as Impurities
Microscopic Biasing of Discrete-Time Quantum Trajectories
Stochastic Model of Memristor Based on the Length of Conductive Region
Irreversible Entropy Production: From Classical to Quantum
Vacancy-like Dressed States in Topological Waveguide QED
Strongly Super-Poisson Statistics Replaced by a Wide-Pulse Poisson Process: The Billiard Random Generator
Stochastic Resonance in a Metal-Oxide Memristive Device
Stochastic 0-Dimensional Biogeochemical Flux Model: Effect of Temperature Fluctuations on the Dynamics of the Biogeochemical Properties in a Marine Ecosystem
Sequential Deconfinement in $3d\, \mathcal{N} = 2$ Gauge Theories
Quantum correlations in $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric systems
Oh, Wait, O8 de Sitter May Be Unstable!
Non-Supersymmetric AdS$_6$ and the Swampland
Noise-Assisted Persistence and Recovery of Memory State in a Memristive Spiking Neuromorphic Network
Monopoles and Dualities in 3dN=2 Quivers
Entropy Function from Toric Geometry
Analysis of Ecological Shifts in the Two-Age Structured Population Model with Allee Effect and Environmental Noise
All $\mathcal{N}=(8,0)$ AdS$_3$ Solutions in 10 and 11 Dimensions
A Novel Method to Simulate the 3D Chlorophyll Distribution in Marine Oligotrophic Waters
Mechanism of Decoherence-Free Coupling between Giant Atoms
Geometry of Quantum Phase Transitions
Collisional Picture of Quantum Optics with Giant Emitters
Nonstationary Distributions and Relaxation Times in a Stochastic Model of Memristor
Voltage Drop across Josephson Junctions for Lévy Noise Detection
Statistics of Residence Time for Lévy Flights in Unstable Parabolic Potentials
Role of Sub- And Super-Poisson Noise Sources in Population Dynamics
Open Challenges in Environmental Data Analysis and Ecological Complex System
On AdS$_7$ Stability
New Trends in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Classical and Quantum Systems
HR3DHG Version 1: Modeling the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Mercury in the Augusta Bay (Southern Italy)
Experimental Investigations of Local Stochastic Resistive Switching in Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Film on a Conductive Substrate
Erratum: On Quantumness in Multi-Parameter Quantum Estimation (Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (2019 (094010) DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/Ab3ccb)
Variations on S-fold CFTs
The Moduli Spaces of S-fold CFTs
Supersymmetric Indices of 3d S-fold SCFTs
Holographic Duals of 6d RG Flows
The Geometry of $\mathcal{N}=3$ AdS$_4$ in Massive IIA
AdS$_3$ Solutions with Exceptional Supersymmetry
Cubic Interactions of Maxwell-like Higher Spins