Luca Leonforte

Luca Leonforte

Postdoctoral researcher

University of Palermo

I obtained my Master’s degree from the University of Palermo in 2018. My Master’s thesis, supervised by Prof. B. Spagnolo, Prof. D. Valenti, and Prof. A- Carolo, focused on the effects of temperature on topological materials.

In 2022, I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Palermo under the supervision of Prof. Francesco Ciccarello and Prof. Davide Valenti. During my doctoral studies, I continued my research on quantum topological phases and expanded my work into the field of Quantum Optics, investigating the effects of quantum emitters in waveguides and coupled-cavity arrays.

Following my Ph.D., I spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Salerno in the group of Prof. Fabrizio Illuminati. My research during this period centered on the presence of quantum entanglement near phase transitions.

  • Quantum Optics
  • Quantum topology
  • Waveguide QED
  • Quantum Information
  • PhD in Physics, 2022

    University of Palermo

  • M.S. in Physics, 2018

    University of Palermo

