Alessandro Candeloro

Alessandro Candeloro

Postdoctoral researcher

University of Palermo

I got my Master’s degree in 2019 at the University of Bologna under the cosupervision of Matteo Paris, with whom I immediately started a PhD afterward. I graduated three years later, focusing on the foundational aspects of multiparameter quantum metrology, quantum walks and quantum feedback. After completing my PhD, I joined the Quantum Information Theory Group led by Felix Binder in Dublin, where I worked on the foundations of measurement at the interface of quantum thermodynamics. I then moved to Palermo, where I currently work on the energetics of quantum computation.

  • Quantum Thermodynamics
  • Quantum Computation
  • PhD in Physics, 2022

    Università degli Studi di Milano

  • MSc in Theoretical Physics, 2019

    Università di Bologna